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Thursday, February 17, 2011

You Raised $50K for a Robocop Statue?...W...T...F!

Detriot hasn't been the best of cities in probably, ohhh, I'd say about.... forever!  The city is one of the worst places to settle down and raise a family.  Its also been hit the hardest by lay-offs and job cuts with the constant closing of motor vehicle manufacturing planets and facilities.  Not to mention the Corrupt-in-Kilpatrick that set black mayors back eons.  From Motown to No-town, the city just has a lot that needs fixing.  With all this going on, a group of people decided they wanted some type of symbol or " an emblem of what's great about Detroit".  What type of emblem you ask?  Who better than the the Desert Eagle spinning, Mime walking enforcer of justice himself, ROBOCOP!  Are you people
 serious!  Well I hope they are because I think its awesome!
Who better to represent Detroit and bring it
back to the gritty grime and crime we know it all too well for after almost being laced as Pop city after Eminem did those horrid Pepsi Ads.  Who's going to fuck with Robocop.  I vote Murphy 4 President.  I think this is the biggest nerdgasm I've had all week next to the release of Marvel vs Capcom 3, especially impotence.  In these dire times, who else after watching that horrid X-men: 1st Class trailer which was more like an ad for Nerd-could influence the gangs of Detroit to put down their weapons and respect the authority of the boys in blue, a Robocop statue!  A 7 ft tall cult classic character right there in the middle of Detroit; people from around the world would come to worship and pray at the steel foot of such a marvelously god-like icon. 

I know some people are saying "Oh, you can't raise $50K for families in need, or to help people find jobs, or clean up the city".  Look, that shit probably ain't gone never get done, so why don't we focus on what we can get done-- Robocop statues!  They haven't been able to clean up detroit in over 25 years, but they raised $50K for a Robocop statue in TEN DAYS!  If that isn't a sign that Robocop is the perfect monolith of inspiration, then maybe you also believe the Robocop Trilogy isn't the greatest Trilogy ever made! Yes, EVER MADE!  Robocop blew a dudes arms off.  He basically drowned a criminal in toxic.  He kicked that asian androids ass and flew a bomb out of the city.  He shot a guys dick off!  HE SHOT A GUY'S D*CK OFF!  How is that shit not Detroitish?  Huh!  Tell me how!  Look, I'm all for it!  I would definitely go visit the Robocop statue.  Maybe this will cause New York to finally erected a Ghostbusters statue.  *fingers crossed*   

Man I wish I was this officer!  He doesn't even look as excited as I would be to get the finger from Murphy! ..*wait...what??*
If you want to read the full Robocop Statue article, go here

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